Hispanic Creators Changing the World
To close off Hispanic Heritage Month, we are highlighting a phenomenal creator who is doing amazing things on and off social media. From mentoring and coaching Women of Color to being a positive representation that she never saw growing up, Itzy Canales is truly shaping social media and the world. Below we have shared a conversation with Itzy where she shares some of her inspirations, accomplishments, and motivations.
Itzy Canales is a Nicaraguense storyteller and creator raised in Norwalk, California. Her account is both refreshing and inspiring, dedicated to “helping women of color creatives own their magic.”
Name: Itzy Canales
Pronouns: she/her
Instagram: @itzycanales
What motivated you to create your account?
Originally, I was inspired by my love for fashion and easy beauty. I didn't see women who looked like me (Latina, working full-time, having moved away from home, figuring out her next move) represented on social media so I wanted to share more realistic and relatable approaches for millennial women of color going after their dreams while balancing personal obligations.
As my platform evolved, I became more aware of the major influencer pay gap affecting many BIPOC creatives and the lack of transparency in the industry, which is related to the systemic oppression that often keeps WOC robbed of opportunities. So I began to share more personal tools to educate and empower WOC to disrupt these societal expectations by asking for what they deserve with more confidence.
What are some accomplishments you’ve had over the past couple of years that you’re proud of?
As a multi-passionate Latina story-teller, I'm proud of embarking on a non-conventional self-discovery, healing and entrepreneur journey. In the last few years, I've built a personal brand, launched my podcast, Grow with the Flow and my 1:1 confidence program which has attracted amazing opportunities and reconnection to self and others.
I'm most proud of cultivating self-trust, a sense of belonging, finding my voice, working with dream brands, developing a loyal community and making multiple streams of income while helping other WOC do the same.
Who are your biggest inspirations?
Lately, I've been finding inspiration from my inner-child, tuning into that curiosity and embracing about how proud she is as someone who was often shamed for her unique gifts to now feeling comfortable in her own skin and becoming her most unapologetic self.
I also gain inspiration from the powerful women that came before me, my family (siblings), my mentors, coaches and community.
What is the most rewarding part of maintaining your account? What is the most challenging part?
It's fun to have creative control in every aspect of my platform and it feels natural to build a personal brand that feels like home and an organic extension of who I am, while using it as a tool for my creative goals, women empowerment and unshakeable confidence. On that same note, I enjoy it so much that it has been challenging to set boundaries with social media and learn when to disconnect. Overall, it's been so rewarding when I'm able to find that balance and bring the joy and joy back into it.
What makes your account different from others within the same niche? How do you stand out?
My account is unique in the way that it's not bound to any specific "niche." It's authentically me in its entirety. I allow my creativity, personal stories and lived-in experiences flow naturally and evolve as I naturally do through life. As someone still finding her footing in adulthood, the things I share are from a first-gen/immigrant/eldest daughter lens. They're raw and real so they spark self-reflection and vulnerability.
What is your goal with your account? What kind of environment are you trying to create?
Through work in my professional career, personal business, brand and partnerships, my goal is to continue expanding representation and breaking boundaries/ceilings of societal norms on digital platforms while empowering my community to take up space both online and offline.
Any additional things you would like to share?
Connect with me: @itzycanales
Work with me: msha.ke/itzycanales/
Itzy is a creative visionary who has used her experience and platform to empower and guide her community. We hope reading her challenges, inspirations, and motivations motivates you to create the change you want to see in the world. As you move about your life we employ you to embrace challenges, break societal expectations, and be creative.